Monday, February 17, 2014

About Gemstones

Probably the first stone used for ornamental purposes was a smooth colored river rock. Or maybe a pretty river stone was spotted before a hunter successfully got his dinner. The hunter then carried that pretty river stone with him as his lucky hunting stone. Stones of all kinds have played a very important part of the history of humans. From little river stones to huge stones, such as at Stonehenge, stones of all sizes and types have been called "the bones of Mother Earth". Stones have been used as talismans and amulets since recorded history and likely before that.
There are many methods in use today for cleaning gemstones and crystals in order to increase the effects of their metaphysical energies.
When should a stone be cleansed?
•As soon as it's purchased.
•Before it's programmed.
•After each use.
•When you feel it has become drained or dull.
Water - rinse the stone in moving water. This can be done in one of three ways:◦by holding the stone in a river or brook (placing it into a mesh bag will make it easier to hold onto) for several minutes,
◦by leaving it out in the rain for several hours,
◦by holding it under the faucet for several minutes.
The water will wash away negative energy and return it to the Earth where it can be neutralized.
DO NOT USE WATER on soft stones such as angelite, some calcites, howlite, aragonite, azurite, dolomite, malachite, selenite, sulphur, etc. as it may dissolve the stone to a greater or lesser degree
Stones are believed to have an extensive memory, remembering where they've been, who they've touched, and all forces and energies that have surrounded them. A stone can pass onto others any energy that it has stored within it. Periodically, stones need to be cleansed of any unwanted energies that they may have collected from you, from others, or from the environment.
For instance, healers take care to clean their healing stones after each use because the stones might take pain (both physical and emotional) into themselves and pass it onto others if they have not been cleansed of those energies between uses. If a stone has absorbed negative energies, it may not work well for whatever purpose it has been programmed.

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